Morgan Piller of Milwaukee, WI is a 31-year-old mother of one who has been riding motorcycles since she was 6 years old. Morgan grew up in a family that was very involved with motorcycles, cars, and racing. Her father owned his own auto repair shop and both her dad and brother had been racing motocross for many years before she started riding. Morgan’s father taught her many mechanical skills through the years growing up giving her knowledge to work on and build her own motorcycles.

This is her third year racing Flat Track after taking a recess from motocross and while she started in the back of the pack she has been training hard and using new skills to be a better and faster rider and she has even brought home some trophies in her home state! Morgan’s favorite quote is “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” She loves this quote because it shows that no matter how talented you are, if you don’t put in the work then it will not matter. Morgan believes that if you put in the hard work, then anything is possible! Morgan’s favorite part about racing is the thrill of going fast, but she also loves being out on the track with friends and having a good time together!